What do I need to bring?

Personal requirements

  • You are a German citizen or a citizen of an EU member state.
  • You have not yet reached the age of 39 on the day of recruitment. There are exceptions, for example, in the case of recognized severe disability or equal status, periods of education or care.
  • You are living in good financial circumstances. This means that existing financial obligations (installment payments, maintenance obligations, repayment of loans) are met on an ongoing basis. Any existing insolvency proceedings must also have been completed by the time of recruitment, including the subsequent good conduct phase.

Health requirements

  • There are special health requirements for working as a civil servant. These are determined by an official medical service. Your competent recruitment authority will contact you during the application process to determine this.

Applications from people with a severe disability are expressly welcome.

School requirements

  • You can present the full vocational baccalaureate (academic and practical part) or the Abitur.


  • You have successfully completed advanced vocational training or have already gained professional experience? This could also be an option for an application.

Application with training and professional experience

The BBHZVO qualification is independent of school education. However, you must fulfill one of the following requirements


  • You have a master craftsman's certificate, or
  • You have an equivalent advanced training qualification with examination regulations in accordance with the Vocational Training Act or the Crafts Code, or
  • You have a comparable advanced training course regulated by state law for professions in the healthcare sector as well as social care and social education professions, or
  • You have a degree from a technical college in accordance with the framework agreement on technical colleges of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, or
  • You have a qualification from another equivalent advanced training course regulated by federal or state law.


  • You have completed at least two years of training in a recognized training occupation as an office clerk (office management assistant), administrative assistant or legal and notary assistant or paralegal and
  • Following your training, you have worked for a total of at least three years in the profession you have learned or in a profession related to your field. The completion of further related vocational training will be counted as professional activity.
  • Part-time employment of at least half time is to be counted as professional activity with the corresponding proportion.


  • You have completed at least two years of training in a recognized training occupation and
  • Following your training, you have worked in other professions for a total of at least three years. Equivalent to this activity is, for example, the main responsible and independent management of a family household, the upbringing of a minor child or the care of a relative.
  • The following are also counted as professional activities: voluntary military service, federal voluntary service, voluntary social year, voluntary ecological year, work as a development aid worker within the meaning of the Development Aid Workers Act and the completion of a further training course of at least two years in a recognized training occupation. All employment relationships and activities must be fully documented by you.
  • In the cases of § 4 BBHZVO, an entrance examination must first be passed. This examination is conducted by the NRW University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration (HSPV NRW). Apply to us in the normal way, the examination will then take place in the further course of the selection procedure.

Information on the entrance examination at the HSPV NRW can be found here.

Application process

You can apply online via the NRW police job portal. In addition to the data you enter online, you will also be asked to upload a number of documents via the job portal as part of the application process.

We require the following documents:

  • Birth or parentage certificate (copy)
  • Identity card or passport (copy)
  • School and, if applicable, vocational and examination certificates
  • If you obtained your higher education entrance qualification abroad, a certificate of recognition from the certificate recognition office of the Düsseldorf district government
  • If a criminal investigation is/was pending against you or you have already been convicted of a criminal offense, the file number and address of the responsible public prosecutor's office. Please note that discontinued proceedings must also be stated here

The documents must only be uploaded after you have been explicitly requested to do so.

What happens after I apply?

The selection procedure consists of a written online PC test and an oral part of the procedure. Please note that due to the fact that we select our applicants based on the best candidates, the process may last until spring or summer of the year of recruitment.

  • In the first step, the State Office for Education, Training and Personnel Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia (LAFP NRW) checks your incoming application to ensure that the documents are complete and that you meet the application requirements.
  • The online PC test begins immediately after your application has been received and your requirements have been checked. You will receive an invitation email to the email address you provided in your application documents.
  • Please note: The invitation is sent by an external company on behalf of the NRW police.
  • Applicants will then be invited to the oral part of the procedure according to the order of the test results of the online PC test.
  • The invitation to the oral part of the procedure is normally issued by an authority close to the applicant's place of residence. However, this may vary if the test capacities at the authorities are reached. You will receive the invitation via the application portal and by e-mail.
  • The NRW police will then draw up a ranking list. The distribution of recruitment notices begins in the spring of the recruitment year.
    Please be patient in this regard, as long as you have not heard back from us, you are still in the selection process.
  • Once you have successfully completed the selection process and have received a conditional confirmation of employment from the recruitment and training authority, you will be asked to undergo a medical examination at the public health department. Please send the health certificate you receive after the examination to your responsible recruitment and training authority.