A vocation instead of a job
If you are looking for more than just a job, the NRW police force is the right place for you.
With more than 60,000 colleagues, we in the NRW police force ensure the daily safety of around 18 million people in NRW. We do this in a wide variety of areas, both in front of and behind the scenes.
Working for the North Rhine-Westphalia Police means working on exciting tasks with a wide variety of responsibilities. No two days are the same here. What's more, working for the police means making a meaningful contribution to a socially relevant activity.
The NRW police team works because police officers work hand in hand with experts from many different professions. Employees from different professional groups make a major contribution to the modern administration of the police - through dual studies in other fields or with a degree in law or medicine.
Government employees at the NRW police are deployed in a wide variety of areas, e.g. IT, media and communication, technology, natural sciences, development and research, medicine, health and occupational safety, trades, finance and procurement, education and social affairs as well as personnel administration, law and organization, strategy, management and controlling.
Government inspectors (RIAs) support the work of police officers in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with their various specialist skills. Among other things, they deal with recruitment and fitness for duty procedures, IT, medicine and law.
If you are more interested in digital processes, a government inspector in the field of administrative IT (RIA-IT) is the right person to contribute their own technical expertise to the implementation and further development of digitization processes.
Lawyers take on management functions in the various organizational units, lead larger police operations and develop police strategies and concepts.
Police doctors look after police officers and support them in the performance of their duties. Their field of activity ranges from general and emergency medicine to occupational medicine.
We also offer internships, career exploration opportunities and stations for trainee teachers.
What we offer
The North Rhine-Westphalia police force offers a modern working environment with a wide range of individual training opportunities. We offer challenging and varied activities as well as a secure job, pay in line with collective agreements, annual special payment, supplementary pension scheme to the statutory pension.
Healthy working: Through our wide range of company health management offers, we ensure that health is actively promoted even while working and offer a variety of sports opportunities, among other things.
We ensure a good work-life balance by offering many different options such as flexible working hours, part-time models and mobile working arrangements.
In addition, highly talented top athletes are supported in the NRW police force. Athletes who can prove that they belong to a squad (Olympic squad, perspective squad, supplementary sports squad or, for example, junior squad) are eligible for the NRW police's top-class sports promotion program. If you are recognized as a top athlete by the NRW police, nothing stands in the way of a combination of police service, sport and competition. The study plan can be individually adapted for the dual course of study, and if you are initially employed by a police authority, the local proximity to the training facilities will be taken into account.
We are a diverse organization, shaped by our employees, who successfully contribute their personal life stories, experience and knowledge every day. People are at the heart of our police force, both our employees and our citizens. We live diversity and variety. And we are always happy to welcome new colleagues who share the same values with us.
Applications from women are expressly encouraged. They will be given preferential consideration in accordance with the Law on Equality between Women and Men for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
We also welcome applications from people with severe disabilities and those with equivalent status within the meaning of § 2 SGB IX. Aids can be provided for participation in the selection procedure, the course of study and the subsequent performance of duties.

I want the North Rhine-Westphalia police force to be seen for what it has become:Not only the best equipped, but also the best police force in Germany.
Herbert Reul
Minister of the Interior
Police authorities
Employees in total