We stand up for the VALUES of our society
Around 18 million people live in North Rhine-Westphalia and we, the NRW police, ensure their daily safety - at all times and in all places.
In a constitutional state, we act in accordance with the law. Our actions are taken in public and can ultimately be reviewed by the courts. In addition to this legal aspect, our daily work also brings with it a whole range of individual experiences and emotions that challenge and shape us personally and in our work. Police work gives us an insight into the vulnerability of people, human abysses and an unobstructed view behind the polished facades of everyday life.
Against the background of the diversity of impressions, clear moral concepts and an intact compass of values are essential for our work and all employees.
The great values of our constitution
The values of the police primarily include the great values of our constitution: the dignity of every individual, the equality of all people, the safeguarding of their freedom, the protection of their lives and property, the guarantee of the rule of law, the facilitation of democratic rule by free and equal people, tolerance towards the many different ways of life that we humans have. We solemnly swear an oath of service to these values, and we are committed to them both on duty and in our private lives. The NRW police proactively state these values and aim to bring them to life through various activities.
We stand up for democratic VALUES
Values are what are particularly important to us as police officers. They are what we stand for and sometimes have to stand up for. This is the only way to turn mere words into true values. Values give us an unmistakable profile. They help us to distinguish between what is important and what is less relevant. And in conflict situations in particular, they give us orientation to help us make the right decisions and persevere.
Values are therefore of indispensable relevance to the police. The employees of the NRW police force work at the pulse of society. They are among the first to feel changes and upheavals. They find themselves - sometimes unpredictably - in challenging and complex situations that require quick decisions and are a great burden not only for the people affected, but often also for themselves. In order to protect fundamental rights, police officers may and must interfere with fundamental rights. This is a necessary, great responsibility that must be dealt with consciously and thoughtfully. Where, if not in police work, are values - based on the fundamental rights of our constitution - more necessary?
Value orientations in the police force
Based on these considerations, Interior Minister Herbert Reul launched the initiative "Value Orientations in the Police of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia" in 2019.

"This is about nothing less than an orientation, a common denominator, an umbrella under which all employees of the North Rhine-Westphalian police can and must find a place. What values are important to us? How are they promoted in everyday life? To what extent are they reflected in our dealings with each other and with citizens? Where are we good? Where do we need to improve? And: How do we deal with this change, which is currently more comprehensive than ever before since the North Rhine-Westphalian police force was founded? Which is also taking place at breathtaking speed. What risks does this entail, but also: Where are the opportunities of this development?" says Interior Minister Herbert Reul.

Participation was a top priority in the nationwide employee survey, regional conferences and expert groups. The focus was on making the values that are important to us tangible, as well as identifying issues that move us and that we want to champion.
The current campaign "POLICE work is VALUE work" takes up this initiative in a new form. The police authorities have the opportunity here to address individual values in events and deal with them. The results are as diverse as the employees themselves: From creative, informative, to scientific. Together, we want to ensure that our values remain the basis of our self-image in the future and in the light of a changing society. So that the people of North Rhine-Westphalia can rely on their police.
Employees in total
Candidate police officers in 2023