Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Friedrichstraße 62 - 80
40217 Düsseldorf
Telephone: 0211 871-01
Telefax: 0211 871-3355
Email: @email
Secure communication with the police:

VAT identification number according to s. 27a UStG: DE 162165068

Responsible under media law and authorised representative
Guido Karl
Abteilung 4 - Polizei | Leitungsstab - Kommunikation

Editorial support
Nadja Pörschke
Abteilung 4 - Polizei | Leitungsstab - Kommunikation
Email: @email


Notes on using the site

The Ministry takes great care in compiling the information for the NRW Police’s Online Police Station and endeavours to ensure that it is up-to-date, correct and complete. All content is intended for general information purposes and does not constitute a business, legal or other counselling service. The Ministry does not assume any guarantee and is not liable for any material or non-material damage caused by the use of the service, unless it can be proven that the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence.

Insofar as regulations and decrees are published on the website, they do not claim to be up-to-date or complete. The current version published in the relevant promulgating bodies (in particular the Law and Ordinance Gazette of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Official Gazette) is legally binding.

The NRW Police’s Online Police Station may refer to websites on the internet. The contents of the linked websites are created by institutions and/or companies over which the Ministry has no influence. The Ministry does not endorse the content of these websites. No liability whatsoever is assumed for the websites of third parties. Should you discover any questionable or illegal content on the NRW Police’s Online Police Station or on websites to which links are provided, the Ministry would be grateful if you would advise us accordingly.

We would also like to point out that portions of the web pages or NRW Police’s entire Online Police Station may be altered, supplemented or deleted without prior notice. Temporary or permanent cessation of publication is also possible without prior notice.

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Unless otherwise stated, all pages on this information server of the Ministry are subject to copyright. The reprinting and utilisation of press releases is permitted provided the source is acknowledged. The following information must be provided: Year, IM NRW.

Further use of content (especially images)

Images, graphics, text or other files may be subject to the copyright of third parties in whole or in part. Files offered for downloading purposes are available free of charge for journalistic use only in connection with the recording’s content and provided the source is acknowledged. The source must be indicated as follows: © IM NRW / Name of the author

If images, graphics, text or other files from the website are to be used by third parties for purposes other than purely journalistic ones, the editorial team must be contacted in advance. Only the editorial team can authorise the publication of individual content.

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The data protection information can be found here.

Technical Support

]init[ Aktiengesellschaft für digitale Kommunikation
An der Pauluskirche 3-5
50677 Cologne

Content Management System

The website was created on the basis of the open source content management system "Drupal". Further informaiton can be found at