Support the NRW police with your administrative knowledge.

Whether in administration, law or recruiting, you will gain exciting insights into police work and experience a lot of variety.

Sven Hungenberg sits on a windowsill with his back to the window

I like the working relationship with my colleagues, which is often very direct and uncomplicated.

Sven Hungenberg

Administrative officer in the area of human resources

Sven Hungenberg in conversation

In the area of personnel recruitment and development, his most important task is to recruit people to the police force. Together with his team, Sven Hungenberg goes to job fairs and is active in marketing. He advertises vacancies and assesses potential applicants in interviews. In order to find suitable applicants, he has colleagues from the specialist departments explain the relevant area of work to him in advance. He also takes care of human resources development and looks at how he can keep employees as fit as possible for the job.

These are your career opportunities with the NRW police

Ineke Klaholz at a table with legal texts

Legal expertise is needed in many areas of the Police and therefore there are excellent development opportunities for lawyers.

Ineke Klaholz

Lawyer (Head of Department at the LZPD)

Ineke Klaholz

As head of department at the LZPD, Ineke Klaholz is responsible for fundamental legal matters such as assembly law and video surveillance in public spaces. Her tasks also include licensing, state-wide occupational health and safety and central claims management as well as managing the Accessibility Competence Center. In the video, she explains the wide range of career opportunities for lawyers in the Police.


Find your dream job now in the NRW job market. With us.

With more than 56,000 colleagues, we ensure the daily safety of around 18 million people in NRW - at all times and in all places.

Do you still have questions about the career field?

Would you like to receive further information or do you have any questions about the career field?
Our colleagues will be happy to help you.

Jan Bockey

Recruitment, selection and deployment of human resources

Phone: 02592 68 6211

Christina Runge

Recruitment, selection and deployment of human resources

Phone: 02592 68 6215

Barbara Blitzner-Zaidou


Phone: 0203 4175 72102

Annika Stern


Phone: 0203 4175 72112