Research, develop, repair

The NRW police force has much more to offer than just jobs in uniform. You will also cut a fine figure with us in overalls or a suit. If you are at home in the large field of "technology", many exciting and innovative tasks await you. For example, you can help to make police officers' clothing more functional and safer. Or you can make sure that police stations are pleasant places to work. With us, you can also advance e-mobility, develop new technologies or ensure that patrol cars and helicopters are always ready for action.

We need your technical expertise and your creativity in order to go down unusual paths. You won't find 08/15 in Team 110, because just as every operation is different, we often need new approaches on the way to a solution. Get involved and become part of the Polizei-NRW family.

Mr. Jacobi looks at a screen with data streams

Our strength is that we work on an interdisciplinary basis and everyone can fully utilize their expertise in their core area.

Christian Jacobi

Electrical engineer at LZPD NRW

Mr. Jacobi sits with his back to some monitors
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As a state-certified technician for data and communication technology, Christian Jacobi works in the special developments department in the field of electronics and software. He specializes in hardware-related microcontroller programming and analogue circuit development. His task: to cast a problem into technology. His aim is not simply to rebuild, but to understand how it works.

These are your career opportunities with the NRW police

Benedikt Braeuker with a tool on an emergency vehicle

The range of vehicles used by the police is totally diverse: from cars to water cannons and horse trailers.

Benedikt Braeuker

Automotive mechatronics technician

Benedikt Braeuker working in a workshop
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When Benedikt Braeuker started his training as a police vehicle mechatronics technician, he was surprised at how diverse the range of police vehicles is. Now he knows them all and repairs and maintains patrol cars, water cannons and horse trailers on a daily basis. He inspects vehicles of various types, troubleshoots and repairs them. He even makes his own spare parts. His goal: the safety of his colleagues in the field.


Find your dream job now in the NRW job market. With us.

With more than 56,000 colleagues, we ensure the daily safety of around 18 million people in NRW - at all times and in all places.

Do you still have questions about the career field?

Would you like to receive further information or do you have any questions about the career field? Our colleagues will be happy to help you.

Lisa Sproß


Phone: 0203 4175 72111