Manage, organize, bookkeeping

In our administrative areas, you will ensure that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes of the actual police work. You will perform tasks that can be very varied depending on the authority, department and area of operation. With commercial training, you can provide support as an organizational talent in almost all areas of the police. As an administrative officer or administrative assistant, you are very familiar with official structures, are a competent advisor and manage processes, always keeping all the threads together.  Exciting tasks and challenges await you.

Portrait Frau Sobota in a factory hall

I do not have the typical administrative job that people imagine.

Eva-Maria Sobota

Property Management Bochum Police

Mrs. Sobota is holing a sign "Landesreiterstaffel" in hear hand in front of a horse relay

When it comes to building projects and properties for Bochum Police, Eva-Maria Sobota is the woman of the hour. After six years of construction, her first completed building project has finally been completed:
The new property of the NRW state equestrian squadron.

These are your career opportunities with the NRW police


Find your dream job now in the NRW job market. With us.

With more than 56,000 colleagues, we ensure the daily safety of around 18 million people in NRW - at all times and in all places.

Do you still have questions about the career field?

Would you like to receive further information or do you have any questions about the career field? 
Our colleagues will be happy to help you.

Annika Stern

Recruitment, selection and deployment of human resources (LZPD NRW)

Phone: 0203 4175 72112

Barbara Blitzner-Zaidou

Recruitment, selection and deployment of human resources (LZPD NRW)

Phone: 0203 4175 72102